Summer camp 2016

A really awesome Summer camp.  Sensei Darren Ball from Yamagawa-ha Fudoshin Ryu in Melbourne treated us to experience some of the aspects of their style, including some impressive displays of swordmanship as well as empty hand.  It was interesting to try his sword katas, which were different to what we usually do in Aikido although …

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2015 Winter Camp

Winter camp in Silverdale.  Photo was from the ground fighting part of Christiaan Bobos lesson.  Always good to get out of our comfort zone with a bit of ju jitsu.  As always some inspiring sessions from Jules, Dunken and Tony and great to meet up with Daniel from Melbourne.

2015 Grading

After having to postpone due to double booking of the mats, and illness, we held a two day seminar at Te Uku hall.  a lovely airy setting with rustic views and good coffee just across the road. Unfortunately having gained back Graeme we lost Kirstie to a dogfight.  Congratulations to those who graded, thanks to …

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